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badgeNumber — Property, class net.flashplusplus.Snapdragon.NotificationCenter.SDLocalNotification
The number will be shown at the icon of the application after the notification received.
BANNER_AD_ACTION_FINISHED — Constant Static Property, class net.flashplusplus.Snapdragon.iAdNetwork.events.SDAdEvent
BANNER_AD_ACTION_STARTED — Constant Static Property, class net.flashplusplus.Snapdragon.iAdNetwork.events.SDAdEvent
BANNER_POSITION_BOTTOM — Constant Static Property, class net.flashplusplus.Snapdragon.iAdNetwork.SDAdManager
BANNER_POSITION_TOP — Constant Static Property, class net.flashplusplus.Snapdragon.iAdNetwork.SDAdManager
BANNER_VIEW_FAILED — Constant Static Property, class net.flashplusplus.Snapdragon.iAdNetwork.events.SDAdEvent
BANNER_VIEW_LOADED — Constant Static Property, class net.flashplusplus.Snapdragon.iAdNetwork.events.SDAdEvent
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